Setlist Variation not displayed on X Touch Mini

Hi all,

please can you have a look at my GigFile ?
I am able to switch SongVariation with my X-Touch Mini Controller but on my Global Rack i want to Sync the Buttons to Song Variation. If i activate the Widget Button the LED on the X-Touch is working.
But i am not able to sync them to the actually SongPart. I feel that this has to be scripted in the Global Rackspace aswell.

Ah… as i am a new USER i am right now not able to upload my Gig File.

Following the Code i actually have in my Global Rig:

VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, VAR4, VAR5, VAR6, VAR7, VAR8 : Widget // used button’s names

// Declaration of widget arrays for upper and lower preset buttons
buttons : Widget Array = [VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, VAR4, VAR5, VAR6, VAR7, VAR8]

// Called when any of several widgets changed → This is the block for UPPER buttons

On WidgetValueChanged(w : Widget, index: integer, newValue : double) from VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, VAR4, VAR5, VAR6, VAR7, VAR8
var i : integer
selected : boolean = false
if newValue == 1.0 then
// Deselect other buttons
for i = 0; i < Size(buttons); i = i + 1 do
if i <> index then SetWidgetValue(buttons[i],0.0) end
// Check there is one selected button
for i = 0; i < Size(buttons); i = i + 1 do
if GetWidgetValue(buttons[i]) == 1.0 then selected = true end
// If no button is selected, assume the callback was called by the widget that was deselected (and re-select it)
if !selected then SetWidgetValue(w, 1.0) end

For my understanding:
You want to press a button in the global rackspace and then the corresponding song part should be selected?

Maybe I’m missing something but why do you need a script to do this?

Why can’t you just attach buttons to the appropriate parameters in a System Actions plugin?


Yes, exactly.

Hi there,
these System Actions are not listed. I was looking for them but i only have from Rackspaces or to Rackspaces.

@dhj already showed a solution,

you can check this gig file
SongPart.gig (111.0 KB)

You have to include the System Actions Plugin in the global rackspace

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It’s a plugin and fully documented in the user manual

Ok, thanks now this is sorted but as soon as i choose SongOrPart1 for the first button GigPerformer chrashed and was no longer responding. Also the Led on the Behringer X-Touch Mini startet to flicker very fast.

Template.gig (756.2 KB)

Now i can attache my Gig File. It would be a pleasure if you can have a look at this file :slight_smile:

Did it crash ( in which case there’s nothing to respond to) or did it hang?

Did you remove the script and recompile to make sure it’s gone?

When I load your gig and include the system action plugin and map, then I see there is an endless loop.
For what do you need the script?

The main reason for the script is the Radio Button Control.

What i am trying to get is the the 8 Buttons on my X-Touch mini are showing me what Part is right now choosen. On Setlistmode.

Try this and unmap the widgets in the global rackspace from the system actions plugin, or just remove the system action plugin

On WidgetValueChanged(w : Widget, index: integer, newValue : double) from VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, VAR4, VAR5, VAR6, VAR7, VAR8
    var i : integer
        selected : boolean = false
    if newValue == 1.0 then
        // Deselect other buttons
        for i = 0; i < Size(buttons); i = i + 1 do
            if i <> index then SetWidgetValue(buttons[i],0.0) end
        // Check there is one selected button
        for i = 0; i < Size(buttons); i = i + 1 do
            if GetWidgetValue(buttons[i]) == 1.0 then selected = true end
        // If no button is selected, assume the callback was called by the widget that was deselected (and re-select it)
        if !selected then SetWidgetValue(w, 1.0) end

Hi, this is now getting close to what i want. I am able to switch in Setlist Mode via Widget Control or X-Touch Mini Button. While switching from Widget itself the corrext LED on X-Touch Mini is on.
While switching the Parts from X-Touch Mini or Part activation on Setlist Mode the LED on X-Touch is not triggered or stayed on. I think this has to be scripted via GetSongPart and or Midi CC Event.
I see the scipting i have to learn :slight_smile:

Please upload your actual gig

Template.gig (755.7 KB)
This is my actually Template File.

Try this
Template.gig (756.3 KB)
You have to enable OSC in the options

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Hey Paul,

i am absolutly impressed and happy. Thank you so much. A short look into the script is not telling me as much different :slight_smile: But it is working as it should.


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There is a gig script which does the magic using OSC