Sending Midi Notes

I don’t quite understand this – what do you mean by “trigger” the bpm or send BPM. The BPM is just a “state”, it is not something that can be sent anywhere as a MIDI event.

Are you perhaps trying to send periodic MIDI clock events?

The goal is to use midi notes for tap tempo into dot2 and play cuelists for specific songs based on mtc.

Created a gig with scripting.
When the 1st rackspace is switched 4 Midi Notes are sent out which take care of the global tempo.
Maybe that helps.
BPM_OUT.gig (9.7 KB)

I just read this, I loaded and opend the file. Where do I find the script? In the Midi Block? How can I read this script ?
when I was looking for the solution to my current problem.

Now I have loaded and opened the file. Where can I find the script? In the midi block? How can I read this script?

Sorry for being so curious, I want to understand.

Load the gig file
Then in the main menu
Window => Show Current Rackspace Script Editor

Thanks I found the scripting and it works fine