Send sysex to external MIDI

Well, xBO 69 1 should be xB0 69 1

You have the letter O rather than the number zero.

That was a typo in the post only. I double check it, just to be sure. Same result. GP is not recognizing the MIDI output block, hence the error message "Block: ‘does not exist in rack space

I am trying to send a cc message to the HELIX

All worked correctly here.

Did you use this option for naming the MIDI Out before setting the extra MIDI?

Eureka! THAT was the missing piece!! Thank YOU for clarifying that point. The direction above to “set the name to a unique name” was not clear. “Set handle” was what I needed to be doing.

I much appreciate your help with this.

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My pleasure!

The good news is that we’re reviewing the draft of the GP 3 manual right now so hopefully it will be out sometime next week. That should help clarify some of these things.

Glad it’s working now. Didn’t even occur to me that the handle hadn’t been set. Thanks @EnjoyRC for realizing that.

I never tried this before. So sorry for the dumb question. I want to send Sysex with GigPerformer to my PCB6 Mastermind Switcher. The Switcher has a MIDI THRU so the Sysex should be forwarded to the Target which is the Meris Polymoon. I want to send the original Sysex File for Factory Preset 16. On the screenshot you see how this looks in the Program Sysex Librarian. Sending it with this Program does not work. So what do I have to put in the sxsex field of Gig Performer to make this work?

You have to type in the sysex values (excluding the starting F0 and ending F7) into the Sysex field.

As for forwarding, GP can only see devices that are directly connected to it - it’s up to your switcher to be able to forward the message to something else.

Thank you! I hope the switcher really does this. If not I have to find another way.

You should check this with the company that makes that Mastermind Switcher.

Maybe there’s an option needed to allow sysex to be passed to MIDI Thru