Scrolling connection window

I’m using GP as a virtual guitar pedal board, but I’m running out of space in the connection view. I am using several pedal plugins in series and I would be fine if I could e.g. scroll down the connection window to get more space. In the manual I’ ve seen no option to do this.
Is there another possibilty to get more space for placing plugin in series?
Thank you

Hello and welcome to our community.

While we are working on a better management of the connection view - could I ask you how many plugins are you using in one rackspace and are you trying to put everything you have into one rackspace which will serve as a single, complete rig?

Thank you for your response.:+1:
Like on on real pedal board I have some pedals(plugins) before the ampsim and some after. In summary it will be 15 single plugins in series. Some also in parallel. It is not a big problem but it would be “nicer” to see all connections from top to bottom in one line.
I know I could use a higher screen resolution, but that is not the solution for me.

Thanks. We do have plans to improve the connections view handling in general so every suggestion and report is taken seriously so your suggestion will be added to the list.

I am just making sure that we are not missing something obvious.
Some people coming from a DAW or some other application they used before GP are trying to re-create the old behaviour by cramming everything into one rackspace.

This has some important drawbacks - especially for a guitar player.
In may situations - transitions from clean to crunch to distortion is not always the smoothest like it could be if you separated your clean, crunch and distorted sounds into separate rackspaces.

You can reuse same pedalboard button for different things in different rackspaces, your connection view is much cleaner. Not to mention benefits of creating more CPU headroom making it possible to keep your buffer size at a very responsive levels or add more demanding effects to your sounds.

Yes you are completely right not to put all in one rackspace. I use several variations for clean, crunch and lead tone and I have two rackspaces for electric and acoustic guitar.
I come from the Line6 Helix hardware and there I used the snapshots (=variations) for clean, crunch, … and two presets for electric and acoustic guitar.
In the past I used presets for every song, but live it is much easier to work with only one amp sim like in the real world.
The UI possiblities of GP are fantastic for live and studio and the scripting options make automation very flexible. :clap:

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