Rotary values work manually, but not with radio button scripting

I have a rotary knob assigned to changing scales in Melda MUnison. Chaning the rotary knob manually works great and the keys are changing in MUnison accordingly. Instead of turning a knob (for live) I created radio buttons that light up nicely showing which key is currently chosen. I have a script setup that each radio button would change the value of the rotary knob. The script is working. When I press the different radio buttons, the knob’s value changes accordingly. However, the Melda is not responding. When I turn the knob manually, Melda responds. When the knob is being “turned” via radio buttons (I can see it turning) Melda does NOT respond. Does not make sense to me. What could be going on here?

Looks like the values for each change happen in increments of ~ 7.7, so set the widget values in those increments. Also, uncheck the Send on Radio Button Off option for each widget.


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Thank you! Yours is setup without scripting just with the built in “radio group” option right? Yeah, that works, but I had these buttons setup before there was a built-in radio option and I already had a script for it. Turns out it was my bad (as usual LOL). I had tried to set a couple of buttons to control plugin directly before I realized I had a script controlling it. I never unmapped Melda from one of the 12 buttons it was messing up the script. Once I unmapped it, the script is turning the knob and scales are changing perfectly! Thanks for looking into it! :slight_smile:

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I think I’m going to redo it with the built-in radio buttons. I’m thinking the less scripting, the more the built-in functionalities, the better. I’m not sure if there is any validity to that thinking but seems a little cleaner and one less widget (I don’t need the rotary knob).

There are times when I need to script for radio buttons b/c I want to group other widgets to the radio buttons and the built-in doesn’t allow for that. But this time, the built-in will do!