Possible for GP media players to sync to bar/beat, and play/stop mid song?

I am a MainStage (MS) user for 13 years and am exploring Gig Performer (GP) to see if it could overcome certain shortcomings found in MS. I am now creating a single rackspace
to replicate a patch in my MS setup to learn the ropes and to understand the design/architecture differences between the 2 platforms.

In MS, the stock Playback plugin plays audio files and can be set to sync to the metronome by bar or beat. Say I have a tambourine loop for the chorus of a song. I set Playback to loop, and to sync to bar. Towards the end of the song verse, within a bar’s length before the chorus, I press a button on the MIDI controller, and the loop would start playing right at the start of chorus.

In GP4 Audio File Player (AFP), I enable sync. I also enable the GP metronome but have the Play/Stop button in stop state. With such a setting, the AFP would play/stop per the metronome play/stop state. There seems to be no way for the AFP to start/stop playing lane/s at a certain part of the song of my choice.

Would like to know if the above MS Playback behaviour can be achieved in GP4 AFP.

Maybe this helps. Using this to play a midi file starting exactly at the next bar. Works very well now (after a lot of trial an error…)