Is there a way to map Play /Stop button to a controller?
Thanks a lot. Appreciate it.
I wanna Play/Stop via my audio interface( I was able to do that in Mainstage). I use Ipad as a midi conyroller for other things.
doing what “via your audio interface”
Sorry,I was not clear. I use LoopyPro on one of my Ipads,so when I press play in loopy it triggers play in Mainstage via audio interface.
I’d like to achieve same th8ng in GP
Does Loopy Pro appear as MIDI device in Gig Performer?
As I understand you can send MIDI to your Audio Interface, right?
Then in Gig Performer you should see your Audio Interface as a MIDI device.
Then you can MIDI learn the Play button like shown above.
But is only a supposition.
Will have a look. Thanks
I think you mean that you have a MIDI device plugged into to your audio interface so your audio interface is basically also a MIDI interface. Gig Performer will be able to see that MIDI interface just like any other MIDI interface.