Pigements 6 Upgrade Questions

I was considering updating to Pigments 6 this weekend.

According to this thread, Arturia took it upon themselves to remove about 100 presents.

So, if was using one of the deleted preset in a Gig file would I lose it?

Or should it just recall all the parameters of the synth as part of the “saved state”?


You should not loose it, the state is saved within the gig file.

Actually you can’t assume that the state will be the same. If they have added more functionality, the state representation may have changed

I didn’t use Pigments very often. Odds are probably with me

Maybe I will at least write down the name of the presets I used in case I lose one or two.

(Hmm if it slightly changes the sound, that might not be a big deal.)

Its’ always something…:wink:

[Oh, and thanks, as always to both of you!]


The free version of pigments that comes with analog lab v (very limited) did not recognize all presets from preset folder.
Therefore I gave up on the whole pigments free version and removed all presets from it.

You can test to see if the previous presets show up either in new pigments standalone or vst/au by moving those presets to the presets folder under pigments.

Also test if they show up in analog lab V.
If they don’t show up I recommend getting rid of these presets to achieve consistency.

This was my log for that.