Hi all,
I have a midi command that I want to use to trigger both a parameter in a rackspace, and also the Tuner. I’ve got both working separately, the tuner is working with a script. However, I cant assign the same midi command (using learn) to both the global and the rackspace at the same time. When I do, it stops the global script from running, so the tuner wont turn on and off.
Is there a way to modify my global script so that I can trigger a midi event on a specific plugin in a rackspace, or is it possible to link both widgets together (global and rackspace) so that when I trigger the midi event it sends to both global(tuner) and rackspace (plugin)?
Hope someone can help me here.
Here is my script for the tuner:
TunerButton : Widget // Reference the button widget
TunerState : Boolean // Track the tuner's state
// Initialization block
TunerState = InTunerView() // Initialize with the current state
// Handle value change for the TunerButton widget
On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from TunerButton
// If the button is pressed and the tuner is off, turn it on
If newValue == 1.0 And TunerState Then
TunerState = InTunerView() // Update state
// If the button is released and the tuner is on, turn it off
If newValue == 0.0 And !TunerState Then
TunerState = InTunerView() // Update state