Multiple assignment to a widget

I use a play and stop button in the global rackspace to start and stop safp for my audiofiles. Is it possible that when I use stop that it also can send a midi message (PC) at the same time to my mixer. When I finish the song I would like to go to another scene on my mixer.
How do I achief this?

Will it always be the same PC to be sent out, or has it to be diffrent with each used audio track?

The same PC every time I press stop


  • place an additional widget (button/switch/LED/Pad) on the panel.
  • Put the “STOP” widget and the new “PC” widget into the same “Widget Link Group” (see manual)
  • connect the “PC” widget to the “PC” parameter of the Midi-Out block in use (which sends to the mixer)

  • enter the “Value” tab of the “PC” widget’s edit options
  • click on the “Graph” picture
  • click on the “Max” value
  • enter the desired PC-value with a following “m”, which will scale the widget values (0-100) to the midi value range (0-127) → For a PC no. 35 enter “35m” (after ENTER the value converts to 27.56 decimal)

That’s it!
You could also “hide” the aux-widget so it won’t be visually distracting.

Hope this helps!


Thank you very much

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This script in the global rackspace sends out a program change (in this case PC1 on channel 1) whenever the global playhead stops. Your SAFP needs to be synced to the global playhead though.

mid_out : MidiOutBlock
a : ProgramChangeMessage


a := MakeProgramChangeMessageEx(1,1)


On SystemEvent(newValue : double) Matching PlayheadStateChanged
     if newValue == 0.0 then
        SendNowExternal(mid_out, a)

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