MidiOut device does not exist

I have the following code for sending MIDI to my controller when switching rackspaces.

On Activate
    m = MakeMidiMessage3(byte0,byte1,byte2)
    if MidiOutDeviceExists(d) then SendNowToMidiOutDevice(d, m) End

On deactivate
    m = MakeMidiMessage3(byte0,byte1,byte2)
    if MidiOutDeviceExists(d) then SendNowToMidiOutDevice(d, m) End

I have similar in each rackspace. When I execute it I get this.

Note that the “True” is printed, yet gig perform still gives me the error.

On further research, I found that another application had control of my output device (On Windows) so although the port “exists”, it was not accessible from Gig Performer.

Possible things to look at.

  1. Maybe a new command MidiOutDeviceOpen(d)
  2. Maybe when viewing MIDI options, if a port is checked but not accessible by Gig Performer, show an error or make the text of the port name show it red.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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Good idea

This is an option that would have helped me troubleshoot on more than one occasion.

If a MidiOutDeviceOpen() is the preferred solution it would be nice to have that available in the external API as well.

I get this on a Mac occasionally as well, although I’m not aware of anything that could use those devices.

So yes, an ability to check if a device is in fact available would be great.