MIDI out data and On Deactivate in Scriptlets

Hi, an interesting discussion! As far as I understand the architecture of GP a little bit more now:

  • sending MIDI over an MIDI out block within an On Deactivate is not possible, as all MIDI blocks get deactivated before the callback gets called
  • some processes/function are asynchronus (I already made some more experiences while the implementation of my latest version of my Arturia KeyLab Scriptlet …)

However I finally have have been able to send OSC messages to the GP listening port out of my Scriptlet. Funny side note: moving some sliders of an open scriptlet panel may even send further OSC messages, even if the Rackspace where this Scriptlet resides is not active :innocent:

In my Global Rackspace I’ve implemented a callback for my OSC message and can react on.

For me everything is fine at the moment. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction @dhj :+1: - and all others

Some details of my solution:

Reading out the used OSC Listener Port in On Activate and injecting an OSC message in On Deactivate (OSC_ListeningPort is a global integer…)

Catching the OSC message in the Global Rackspace script:

More details in the linked thread :wink:

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