Midi controllers won't show up in Gig Performer 5 on my new MacBook running Sonoma

Hello there! I just bought a new MacBook running Sonoma and at the same time I upgraded to Gig Performer 5. To my surprise no of my midi keyboards would show up to be a choice in the midi inblocks. When I try them in Logic they all works perfectly well.

Am I missing something simple here?

Best regards… Rikard

Did you take a look at the MIDI Ports Options in the Gig Performer Options Window?

Yes, I have checked there and it’s empty, except for Local GP Port, even if I have multiple keyboards connected to the computer. They all appears fine in Logic btw.

If you open up the Audio MIDI settings utility, do you see the keyboard ports there?

How are your keyboards connected to your computer?

What kind of keyboards?


You asked this 5 days ago — we’re still waiting for your answers to our questions

I am sorry for not replying. The matter resolved itself when I disconnected everything and restarted the computer. (And yes… I know that’s ALWAYS the first thing to do)
Thanks for your input though :+1:

Well, you shouldn’t have to restart your computer. They should have just shown up.
It’s very strange,