Mapping Rackspace

Can I map Rackspaces to a MIDI . I’d like to switch between them without using the mouse.

Would program change messages work for you?

Of course you can. That’s what MIDI program change messages do, it’s basic GP 101

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Maybe. Gotta Buit a template in TouchOSC and see ,if it works. I want each individual Rackspace respond to individual widgets in TOSC.

if your touchOSC can send program change messages - then GP can respond to them and switch to the corresponding rackspace variation.
if you don’t assign specific program changes to your variations, then the rackspaces (first variation of them) get assigned a program change by themselves - but you can change their order which also changes their program change messages to correspond with the new order.

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Where can I find the option to map the Rackspaces? It’s easy to map the widgets but I donno how to map the Rackspaces

you don’t map rackspaces - they map automatically in order from 1.
but if you want to override that, you double click on a variation - and you see the option there.
once you do that - the rackspacve program change designation gets cancelled and overtaken by the variation.

I don’t thonk I’m getting it. So,I’ve got to create widgets in TouchOSC and this will be automaticaly assigned to speciffic rackspaces?

I wanna chieve this,but in GifPerformer.

As I understand you want to switch Rackspace Veriations by sending PC Message from your Roland FANTOM, right?

I wanna send the variations from touch osc on the ipad.

Help me, what is a variation on Touch OSC?

No idea . I’m new to Touch OSC.
What this guy is doing on the video I was able to re-create us8ng LoopyPro,but on Mainstage. It was preaty simple.

Can you send program change with touch osc ?
That’s what you assign to call up the variations.
But you need to first double click on a variation if you want it to respond to a “specific” program change value.

By default if you have 3 rack spaces - their first variations will be assigned automatically to PC 1-3.

If you want to override this you double click on the variation to edit it’s properties.

And you’re not actually using the OSC part of TouchOSC, sounds like you’re just using MIDI

You can send midi program changes to GP just like you would send them to other hosts. However, GP has several options to control what controllers are allowed (or not) to send program changes and on what channel. This stuff is all documented in the user manual

I’m just starting my GP with TouchOSC journey as well. I think a variation of what these guest article on the GP blog would be a starting point to understand an approach. Working with TouchOSC and Gig Performer [guest article] - Gig Performer®

The biggest differences between what you’re asking for, and how it is implemented here is it has nothing to do with program change numbers and all of the rackspaces involved have been wrapped by songs and variations. What I love about this approach is that it is dynamic based on the current setlist loaded into GP.

I think your ultimate goal is to be able to select what you want to play in GP from TouchOSC. I highly recommend always wrapping your rackspaces with songs/variations as it adds significant options beyond just loading a rackspace. When I started with GP in 2.x, the song/variation/setlist features didn’t exist yet. I found them to be a complete game changer.

I also recommend investing in TouchOSC for a desktop OS for building and modifying your TouchOSC control surfaces. It is much quicker to edit and test from a laptop/desktop than from your iPad or iPhone.


Each rackspace is just an instrument with different fx on it. I do not work in a way of song1/2/3 etc. My mac is sending tge audio to an ipad on which 'm using LoopyPro. It’s l8ve looping improv rig.
Thanks for your message.

I want to use OSC. The video was only ,as an example of what I have in mind. I uaven’t created a template in TOSC yet.