As you can see in the image, I have 2 expression pedal widgets, (controlled by just 1 hardware expression pedal). Each widget controls a frec on each eq module, basically to create an eq filter fx so that when the pedal is at heel position, the bands are closed and when the pedal is depressed at max, the bands are fully open. I can activate/ deactivate each band independantly.
The maximum and minimum values for each widget are set at a certain point for this one song I’m preparing but my thoughts are the following…
Within this same rackspace, if in another song I were to need different min/max values so that at heel position a piano doesn’t sound so “honky”, is there some way I can vary those minimum and maximum values of the widgets so that I can fully depress the pedal without having to build a whole new rackspace with different static min/max values?
My idea was to have 2 rotary knobs that could vary a min/max value each.
Interesting that you ask that, as I just recently was wondering how to accomplish that also. I haven’t really thought too much about a solution, other than the idea of having the pedal have full range by default, and then scripting different CC input/output ranges that could be triggered by widgets.
I must get in to scripting some day… hopefully when I get this band’s repertoire up and running I can start learning to script… surely there must be a way. The only way that comes to mind is placing a copy of the same 2 pedals with different min/max values for each song. I try in a while … but I’m not sure how the rest of the pedal widgets would react. Probably, the one with the widest Min/max values would “take over” the rest… mmm
The only “simple” approach I can think of in the short term is to NOT map the expression pedal to a widget and instead allow it to arrive at a MIDI In block. Then pass those messages to a scriptlet where you can do scaling to restrict (say) the range of values and the scriptlet would have parameters (controllable from other widgets) to set the scaling values.
You could then send the output of that to the GP Local port and have widgets respond through that port.
I just threw together a quick gig file to demo this but obviously it would need tweaking as it’s tied to my controller