There are Keyboard Shortcuts for various Views like for example the Session View.
Why is there no Shortcut for the Session Wiring View. I would be nice to have that. Thank you!
On Mac CMD-T
When I am in Setlist View CMD-T brings me first to Panels View, then a second CMD-T brings you to the Wiring View. I am looking/asking for a direct shortcut.
OK, seems it does not work this way.
Is that really so much more work?
Use this gig script, Pressing “v” toggles the views
var nview : String
//Switch to panel view
On Keystroke matching "v"
if InSetlistView() then
nview = "SetList"
elsif InPanelView() then
nview = "Panel"
if InWiringView() and nview == "SetList" then
elsif InWiringView() and nview == "Panel" then
I have no experience with scripts. How do I integrate this script in Gig Performer?
And then press compile and close the window.
Maybe that is useful
Thank you very much. This is really a step in the right direction
OK, so I have to do this with every Gig File I use, right?
It would be more elegant if the script just works always in every Gig File, but ok, I can live with that.
I still would be happy to see in a future a update a direct shortcut to the wiring view because this is helpful when you work with automateted shortcuts like for example when using streamdeck.
Yes many features are desirable …
But with GP Script you can implement things just for your needs, it is so flexible.
I agree. I’ve added an entry in the issue/feature tracker for this enhancement.
Thank you!
Pianopaul: If I like to change the “v” keystroke with the middle mouse button - what should I write into this script?
I have no clue how to implement this
Thanks for your try.
I have found a solution:
You have to install the windows programm “X-Mouse Button Control”, then run it and configure the Middle Wheel Button to emulate the “V”.
Thats it! So easy…