But, if you put something in the global rackspace and set a keyrange in your midi in block in the local rackspace and use your controller, does it respond outside the set keyrange?
If so, is that a bug? (Or something not quite set optimally)
If not, I would guess there is something about my particular set up.
(My MIDI IN block is connected to two plugins in the Global Rackspace, but I would not think that would matter.)
[I don’t mean to give extra work to do, Paul. I can send a screenshot this evening].
Even though I hit my controller keyboard in shaded area in the midi in block in the local racspace (it shows it responding) the note on message apparently still gets through (I can hear it).
Interestingly, if I hit the shaded are using the virtual keyboard in the midi in block (local rackspace) I do not hear it.
The key range works as it should when applied to the midi in block in the Global Rackspace. (I can’t hear it in the shaded are of the key range).
Just to be clear, you’ve set your keyboard split values in this block here that’s being sent to the Global rackspace, and notes that are outside that range are showing up in the Global rackspace?
I don’t see the From Rackspace block in the Global rackspace in your screenshot. If you insert a MIDI monitor block after that From Rackspace block, do the notes outside the range show up there?
I’m a little confused. You say you have a MIDI in block in your local rackspace which is receiving MIDI from your CTK7200 and that although you are sending notes that are in the shaded area, you’re still hearing it.
But you also have a MIDI in block in the global rackspace that is tied to your CTK7200, in fact I see two such blocks. I bet one of those is sending MIDI