For whatever reason, if I rename my gig file outside of GP and change the name of it on the file system, then open it in GP, all of my rackspaces are gone. GP acts as if there’s no information in the file at all and prompts me with the New Gig dialog. All of the XML content seems to be in the file but GP ignores it.
I just did a test.
Started GP
Saved the gig.
Closed GP
Renamed the gig.
Doubleclicked on the renamed gig
Gig Performer started without loading the doubleclicked gig.
Next test
Started GP
Saved the gig
Renamed the gig in finder
Doubleclicked the renamed gig in the finder
GP loaded the gig.
Yes - as suspected - there is a known issue when double-clicking a gig file when GP is not open. If it is already opening, then double-clicking a gig file will open that file, otherwise you just get a new gig file and the double-clicked file is ignored - this is only happening on Mac and is a known issue.
Thanks, so much David and others. I’m at the day job right now but I’ll try to see if there are any workarounds. I’ve lost my Global Rackspace which contains my reverbs, delays, et all and I’m crapping my pants as I have an important rehearsal this Saturday. I didn’t see any global rackspace files in the place they are supposed to be stored so I’m guessing I’ll have to recreate that.
You guys are awesome! This community is the greatest thing about being a GP user
The only reason i say i lost the global rack is becase i didn’t see the global rackspace file where i thought it would be on the file system. Now, i know i did not delete any directories out there so, I’m probably not looking in the correct place for it on the file system.
The bug that @dhj described involves GP opening a new gig file whenever an existing gig file is double-clicked instead of opening that existing gig file. That existing gig file is still there on your system, nothing changed.