Grplscn blocked by firewall

Today, starting GP4 in my Windows “sandbox” partition, the firewall blocked grplscn.
Can someone can tell me what is grplscn? Do I need to authorize it?
Edit: I think it is related to Reaplugs installation and a component called reastream (audio+midi over ethernet).
I do not know if it is safe to install it. At the moment, I refused it.

That application is part of Gig Performer. If you block it, GP won’t be able to validate plugins that require internet access.

Ok, thank you. As I do not use internet on my live partition, I will check if Reaplugs pose problems… but after my next 3 live performances next week.

I got this alert as well, and it seems odd that if you “allow access” using the default settings, it will prevent grplscn from communicating over your home network, but permit it over (presumably less secure) public networks. If you wanted to be as careful as possible, but needed to at least be able to activate new plug-ins, wouldn’t you choose the opposite of these defaults?

Plugins being tested by the scanner may want to call “home” to check for activations, updates, licenses, etc — if you block access to the internet, they won’t be able to and you won’t be able to use them.

Does this plugin make possible to use GP on a computer without an Audio Interface and to stream audio to a second GP computer with an Audio Interface? (And this with an acceptable delay for live playing?)


I do not use this one, I do not know it at all (I use reaplugs for eq and midi control) .

You can find some info here:

In your case, it seems that the following open source plugin is more suitable: