GPScripting and Variations

This is a bit lat in the day (sorry: the holidays are to blame!) but I’ve been looking at variations with GPScript.

As far as I can find there are two bits of code that relate to variations:

  • On variation( oldVariation : integer, newVariation : integer)
  • SetVariation (index : integer)

I would expect there to be at least one more function that lets you retrieve a list of available variations so you can ensure a valid index is passed to SetVariation (perhaps GetVariations()?).

I would also like to see a way to retrieve the variation name (e.g. GetVariationName(index : integer) ). This would be good even for logging purposes to make sure I’m getting the right thing but it would be great if one day we can update a textfield on a rack panel to show the variation name. Or even send the name over MIDI (perhaps as SysEx) to another device.

I have a further question - and I tried to test this but scripting seems to have stopped working for me in 2.0.6b (I’ll log this separately) - does the variation index lie within the range 0…n for each rackspace or is it 0…n within the whole gigfile? I presume it’s within the rackspace.

