Gp windows crashes

Experiencing a lot of crashes of GP those days in many situations: for example after assign a “move up” and “move down” controller and testing it.
As soon as i try to “move up” it freezes with a “not responding” status and i have to fire down GP.

Is there a way to generate an error log to attach?

That’s very unusual. Do you have the “predictive loading” feature enabled?

Yes I have _ tested with both 3 and 5 racksoaces

I’m wondering if anything else changed - for example did you add a new plugin into the mix?

Does the problem occur if you do not use predictive loading?

When exactly did this start happening?

Some answers (i did some tests last night).

  • Removing predictive loading crashes seembs to stop
  • After adding a media player block to the rig some latency has been added. Closing and reopening GP solved the problem of latency (i have a Tascam US16x8). This behaviour doesn’t verify using other softwares i.e Ableton Live

Predictive loading is a feature that warns about possible instability and asks you to test with your plugins.
Some plugins simply don’t like to get loaded/reset often and become unstable. Your crashes are obviously related to that.

I do not understand what do you mean by “by using the media player block some latency has been introduced”
What does this have to do with the crashes you reported and what do you means by latency?

If this is a separate question and not related to the plugin crashes you were obelservibg with predictive loading - I’d suggest you open a new topic.


Today’s update:

installed 2.4.0 and… BOOMMM!!! Super speed improvement in GP loading :smiley:
Crashes seem to have disappeared also!!

That’s weird ---- I’m suspecting that there was something else going on on your system that was making this happen, perhaps corrupted executable.