
I would like to transfer all rackspace names (I have one rackspace for each song) to numbered OSC labels so that I can call the rackspaces above them. After loading the gig file, I would like to manually select all the rackspaces contained in it, and then transfer the rackspace name to the OSC label with the corresponding rackspace number using a script. But I don’t know how to get the current rackspace number in the script. Querying the total number of rack spaces would also be helpful. So analogous to the variation commands:


Do you have Lemur?

I’m afraid not. I would like it, but it doesn’t seem to be available for android anymore. I asked Liine but didn’t get an answer. So I have to use OSCTouch.

Ok, so what should gig performer send to touch osc?

I’ve added these into the system (so they’ll show up in some future version). However, they’re less useful when you’ve using rackspace scripts than when there (will be) a global script “outside” of the rackspace world (again, in some future version)

I would like to add specific OSCTouch labels with the rackspace names in the “on activate” event function, depending on the rackspace number.
So after loading I only have to go through all rackspaces once, and I have my rackspace setlist on the Android phone.

I think a better idea is in the Initialization event as this has to be only sent once
and this event is called when the rackspaces get loaded at the beginning.

So you could send something like this in the initialization event:

var mOSCP : OSCMessage
OSC_SetAddress(mOSCP, “/1”)
OSC_AppendArgStringArg(mOSCP, “SongName”)

Thank you, pianopaul.
Yes, I’ve been that far. Only the address e.g. “/1” should depend on the rackspace number. I don’t have more than about 16 songs (rackspaces) in my program. But which and in which order they are loaded is different. (And I want to be able to have the same script code in every rackspace.)And live I would like to call them with the rackspace names via OSCTouch.
All I need is the possibility to request the current rackspace number in the script.
And you are right: In the initialization function it is even better.
Many greetings to Rosenheim