Error on loading gig file after adding rackspace script

So I tried a script for the first time with the help of @edm11 on this post.
modified the script a bit for my needs - and it works.
however when i open the gig file i get this error - see image.

there is nothing inside my global script editor.
the script is still there (saved with the gig file) in the rackspace script editor.

everything still seems to work correctly, but i don’t understand this error message.
here is the script

   min : Widget
   max : Widget

On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from min
    SetWidgetValue(max,newValue - 0.0078)

oh never mind - i accidentally placed the same code in the gig script editor.
removed it - saved the gig.
now works.
my bad

It looks to me that the error message might be a bit misleading. Note that it says “global” script, not Global Rackspace Script. It then mentions the entity GigScript. Have you checked the gig script editor to diagnose the problem? I could be wrong here, but that would be my next logical step.


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yes it was the gig script.

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You’re right - it should say Gig Script — fixed for next update

Edit: I wish all bugs were this easy to fix. :slight_smile: