Direct Accessible OSC

Because as you and I discovered in this thread, DMXIS does not update widgets in GP with the current state of its faders. I can send information from the widget to DMXIS, but not DMXIS to the widget.

DMXIS does support OSC, so I can run it as a standalone instance, independently of Gig Performer and send OSC messages to control it. Since Direct Accessible OSC is not bidirectional (I was hoping it was), my only solution thus far is to use Direct Access OSC to send OSC out to DMXIS, and then use OSCulator to to reroute the message and send it back in to GP to address the HANDLE for the widget. A bit convoluted for sure, but the only way I’ve found yet to accomplish bidirectional communication with DMXIS.

Additionally, I prefer using OSC wherever I can, especially since I discovered how to use it to retain mappings between Rackspaces, seen here. :grin: