Converting CC mess incoming to another one

Hello Community and thank you for your activity.

I’m Working with a VOICELIVE 3 extreme.
This one have a function called STEP that permit to select a configuration for the effects.
When selected every step send a CC 115 with a value 0 for Step 1, 1 for step 2 and so on…
I would like to illuminate a button in GP in function of the value received in order to see which Step I am… But when I try LEARN the only thing GP see is the CC and not the value (which step infact)
Maybe a script could transform CC115 a the value in a simple CC in GP to send to my widgets? for instance if GP RECEIVE CC115 Value 0 it could transform it to CC50 and CC115 Value 1 to CC51 and transmit it in Local midi to permit widget to Learn those corrected CC?
many thanks for your help.

That is by design.
You can use a text widget which shows the value

many thanks Paul good idea but I tried and it seems that the value is not always well read. I can’t explain because when I Monitor the CC send by Voicelive the 10 values (CC115:0 CC115:1 …CC115:9) are really sent but GP can’t see the 4 and 7 value… really strange. Maybe I should forget to see in GP winch step is active…

If you open the global MIDI Monitor, can you confirm that your VoiceLive did actually send those other values?

Thank you dhj, yes it sends. I’ve found that if I’m mapping the widget for instance to MIDI IN (Local GP Port) CC# some values are not read. If I’m mapping the widget to MIDI IN (Local GP Port) PC ALL the values are correctly read… strange. If I don’t map the widget and let it just to receive midi from VoiceLive NO Value are read… (maybe it’s normal)
Above all what would be really interesting is that we could make song parts react to a specific value of the same CC#… for instance, scene 1 responding to CC115:0 scene2 to CC115:1 and so on… but maybe it is a too specific application that require a lot of development … thank again for this community. Musically Philippe

So I’Ve found a way to select the correct song part from my VoiceLive 3 (VL3) Step button. I’m using an APP called MEDUSA MIDI TRANSFOMER (MMT) to transform CC# 115 coming from VL3 (every Step send the same CC115 but differ in value Step 1 send CC115 value1 / Step 2 → CC115 value 2 …)
MMT filter this CC115 and transform it
CC115 value1 become CC10
CC115 value2 become CC11
The news CC# are injected in a MIDI IAC I’ve Created for GIG Performer Intra.
Finally in Options/Setlist I program every Song Part to respond to those new CC# coming from MMT via MIDI IAC GIG Performer Intra.
That’s all Folks
Many thanks

A free macOS app: ‎Medusa Midi Transformer on the Mac App Store

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