Control Tempo with Midi CC Knob/Widget

Is this possible? Does anyone have a script for it?

I sure hope so…

By “control tempo” do you mean setting the BPM value or doing tap tempo?

There are Script functions for both of these, e.g,

Hi. :slight_smile:

This script will do it:

test_knb : widget

t_factor : double

    t_factor = 200 //max. BPM

// Called when a widget value has changed
On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from test_knb
    //set the widgets caption to the momentary value (this line may be deleted)
    SetWidgetLabel(test_knb, GetWidgetValue (test_knb)*t_factor)
    //multiply the widgets value (0...1) by the t_factor and set the global BPM
    SetBPM(GetWidgetValue (test_knb) * t_factor)

Just create a knob-widget and name it as ‘test_knb’ which you then may learn with a hardware controller.

But controling the tempo that way, may lead to unexpected tempo variations because the new value coming from the widget may differ dramatically from the actual tempo-value!

Maybe it would be more appropriate to be able to adjust/correct the inital tempo (given by the rackspace definition) only within a certain range of ±20 or so…

This is done with the following script:

test_knb : widget

act_bpm : double
corr_val : double
new_bpm : double

    act_bpm = GetBPM() //read the initial tempo when the rackspace is intialized
    corr_val = 20 //correction value (plus/minus)

// Called when a widget value has changed
On WidgetValueChanged(knobValue : double) from test_knb
    //calculate the new tempo with symmetrical corrected value
    new_bpm = act_bpm + (knobValue - 0.5) * corr_val * 2
    //set the widgets caption to the momentary value (this line may be deleted)
    SetWidgetLabel(test_knb, new_bpm)
    //set the tempo to the calculated value

Remember that scripts only work per rackspace and NOT globally, so you have to use this script in each single rackspace where it is needed!
Hope this helps…

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Wow I’ll have to try the 2nd one (would be perfect!) this weekend


You’re welcome. :slight_smile:Tell me if it worked…
Just a note: The center position of the widget means a correction value of 0, all to the left is -20, all to right is +20

to schamass: i tried the second script and i get this error message: Gig (GigScript) - Semantic error in “Main”: Line 2, Col 12: Allowed in rackspace script only. This type is only allowed in rackspace script

i realize you have said that scripts only work per rackspace and NOT globally, but i’m not sure how to alter the script for a single rackspace. any ideas?
thanks, rob

ooops, sorry Schamass. i figured it out.
tnx, rob

This was many years ago. With GP4, you can run this in the global rackspace.

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