Control audio interface from within GP3

Thanks Paul,

This is really helpful. I’m slowly getting the hang of it.

I am indeed on Mac, but I guess the real problem with controlling TotalMix is due to its multiple-step (non-global) access to certain knobs and sliders. If you have an example to set the gain and phantom state of channel 9 on my FireFace UFX, or a link to a tutorial that explains the various steps I’d be very grateful. The OSC mapping overview and TouchOSC template, unfortunately don’t reveal all necessary coding.

I am not sure if OSCulator will be easier than GPScript for that mapping. I found a YouTuber demonstrating MIDI CC messages translation to keyboard shortcuts in Digital Performer. If OSCulator would also let you record a macro, I see what you mean.

But then again, GPScript is relatively easy to read and program and a lot of it will be copy/paste. I prefer not to have to start 3 programs to control my hardware, it would involve too much maintenance.

Hi, attached an Excel file where you can see the OSC messages needed

/1/volume9 is for the 9th channel

/1/phantom/1/3 is for the 1st Mic Channel

OscTableTotalMix_201028.numbers (723.1 KB)


I found this old topic. I loaded the file and both knobs change my master volume in total mix :frowning:

This is an old topic, and there may be better ways to do what you are trying to do now.

Using OSC to control TotalMixFX is easy for some things using Direct OSC, but can get pretty complicated for others.

There are a lot of things you can control in TotalMix FX. What are you trying to do?

I wrote in another threat:

I would like to change the submix layer via osc. Direct OSC is no problem, but I think I have to send more than one message at a time.