Continually variable tempo?

Hello! Is there a simple way to have a midi file gradually changing tempo between two points, so that for example a song could start at 100 bpm and over the course of a couple of minutes increase to say 105? I would like to create a backing track in my DAW with both midi and audio elements and have them both playing back in GP with a midi and a streaming audio synced together.

Many thanks for any help.

What DAW are you using?

Did you try using midi clock from your DAW and sync midi player and streaming audio file player to the global play?

I’m creating the files in Cubase using the tempo track set to ramp tempo. Thinking about this a bit more, the main use for this would be when a song ended in a rallentando and I wanted to have the midi to stay in sync. Most other things could be done more simply by setting global BPM with markers in the SAFP.

… and now when I try with a newly-created file it is following the tempo perfectly. I can only assume I had something set wrongly previously when I was having problems. Feel free to delete thread or place under “operator error”. :smiley:

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