Changing the State of a Plug In in the Global Rackspace

So I decided to add a FUZZ plug in to my Global Rackspace for certain songs. (Kuassa one by the way which seems pretty good :))

Because my amp is in the Global Rackspace, I needed to insert the FUZZ plug in first (before the amp). I added a widget, set up a global parameter to bypass it and then in the rackspace that I wanted to use the fuzz, added the widget that references the global parameter. I could then turn it on and off by variation in that rackspace. Works perfectly…BUT

If I switch to another rackspace after using the FUZZ plug in, it remains in the enabled state, even though I have no widgets referencing the plug in for any other rackspace.

So the question is whether there is a way to always return the state of the Global effect to off unless it is defined in a rackspace?



Create a toggle widget, give it a Global Parameter Assignment in the Widget Properties, and map it to the Bypass of your Kuassa pedal.
Add a To Global Rackspace plugin in your rackspaces.
Add toggle widgets to those rackspaces
Map them to the To Global Rackspace plugin, and the parameter you just assigned from the Global Rackspace.
Then you can turn the effect on or off from each individual rackspace.

Thanks for the quick reply. (This forum is SO good!)

My issue is that I have 150 rackspaces and I just decided to add the plug in so I’d have to add that widget to 149 more of them…

So I figure my options are

  • exactly what you have described (THANK YOU!)
  • Some script that runs when you change rackspaces to turn it off from the start (I wish I was better at this)
  • Bypass the Global Amp and create a copy in the rackspace so that the FUZZ could be inserted into only the needed rackspace.

Option 1 is a lot of work given where I am so was hoping for an option 2 solution or that I missed something more obvious.


You could probably script it using On Rackspace in a Global Rackspace script. You would, of course, have to amend the script every time you wanted to change where and when that pedal was turned on though.

I had a similar issue and found it was better to reorganize things and create a new instance of GP for things that I had previously been putting in the Global rackspace on one instance. I was putting more than one pedal in the new instance though, so its probably overkill for your current predicament.

Here’s an example of a script:
I’ve put an effect in the Global rackspace, as well as a toggle widget assigned to the Bypass of the effect.
Then in the Global Rackspace script I put this:

   bypass : Widget

On Rackspace(oldRackspaceIndex : integer, newRackspaceIndex : integer)
   If newRackspaceIndex == 1 then SetWidgetValue(bypass, 1.0)
   Else SetWidgetValue(bypass, 0.0)

When Rackspace 1 is activated, the bypass turns on. For the other rackspaces, the effect turns off.
There are other scripting methods to achieve this, but I’m sure you can adjust this sample to suit your purposes.



I had a global Rackspace script so I added to it

global_exp1 : widget
global_exp2 : widget
global_exp3 : widget
global_exp4 : widget
FUZZ : widget

Function UpdateWidget(aWidget : Widget)
newValue : double = GetWidgetValue(aWidget)
if newValue == 1.0
then newValue = newValue - 0.000001
else newValue = newValue + 0.000001
SetWidgetValue (aWidget, newValue)

On Rackspace(oldRackspaceIndex : integer, newRackspaceIndex : integer)
SetWidgetValue(FUZZ, 0.0)

Worked. THANK YOU!


There’s been a number of similar discussions recently. Here’s an example I came up with

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