Changes in Setlist mode

This has nothing to do with my other issues with drawbars.

It’s just a question as i ‘discovered’ something last night that might be impacting my set up.
I was under the impression that changes made to rackspaces in song parts when in setlist mode would not stick in the rackspace that the song part is using, but i can take a snapshot and send that to the current rackspace variation and that sticks. This is what I’ve been doing. I have buttons set up on my controller.

Last night i realised that if the widget is set to not update on variations, any change i make in song list mode to that widget sticks in the rackspace automatically.
Is this how it’s been designed to work?
I have noticed a few volume changes in songs occasionally and i think this is what’s happening, as i tend to mess with the volume sliders in some songs but do push the changes to the rackspace. Now i can see it’s happening anyway.

Yes, that is by design

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Thanks. I hadn’t seen this mentioned before so wasn’t sure. Yes, i should RTFM :grin:

“Last night i realised that if the widget is set to not update on variations, any change i make in song list mode to that widget sticks in the rackspace automatically.”

Did you write this correctly. I think the default is that “snapshot” changes in song parts do not affect the variation. (So, if you use that variation in another song, it does not mess it up). [I use this ALL the time]. But, if you want, you can change the settings so changes in the song parts do change the setting in the variation. (To my way of using GP, this should be atypical).

Yes, i think i wrote it correctly.
I normally use a button to take a snapshot when im in set list mode, then another button pushes that change to the Rackspace itself. I only use this for balancing out sounds when playing new Rackspace. Just a bit of fine tuning.

I found that if the widget in question is set to ignore changes on variation then changing this in
Set list mode also pushes that change to the Rackspace without any other steps.

Interesting, I would would not have thought it would work like like that.

Just to back up a bit, every rackspace has at least one “variation”. You are always using a “variation” of a rackspace.

As I understand it, the purpose of variations is to allow you to set up widgets so you can change different parameters relating to a rackspace (mixer volumes, transpose, bypassing plugins, etc.) while generally retaining the same plugins (and generally “sounds”) in the rackspace. (Part of the engineering is related to always having the “sound” sufficiently in memory so you can seemlessly change rackspaces without waiting for samples to load).

As I understand it, the purpose of “snapshots” (LOVE!) is to save particular widgets settings for a particular song part without changing the variation itself (unless you want to push the change into the variation).

So, I am surprised that checking off “ignore variations” means that changes in a song parts are automatically pushed into the variation.

But, I definitely could be missing something. Hah!


The opposite is correct, when a widget is set to ignore variations then a change in set list mode is reflected in the rackspace

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