Can this be done

This is not exactly what I was trying to do but it’s a simpler example. I have a meter that I want to show either input level or output level from a particular Plugin using radio buttons to switch between the modes. I thought it would be simple but I’m not getting it.

You can route inputs and outputs to your meter plugins through Gain and Balance plugins. Mute one or the other, using widgets.

What I’ll often do is mute both, name them “blockers”, and bypass the one in the signal path that I want to enable. That makes the logic positive. (Turn the widget on to bypass the blocker and let the signal pass.)

To make radio groups, select the widgets, right-click, then choose “Operations >”, then “Radio groups…” Choose a non-zero number to enable radio button operation.

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What’s the plugin?

Spitfire’s VCS-1 is an example of a plugin that allows for several different meter values to be exposed as parameters which can be mapped to a widget including compression Gain Reduction.

Not quite what you are looking to do @tbeach but one of the few plugins I have found where I can meter values from without adding a gain node pre/post the plugin.

@JonFair 's example is a good one if you are in a situation where the meters you want are not assignable and you need to route audio to meters, then setting this up with radio buttons is pretty easy.

To actually change what values are being assigned to a widget without routing audio might be possible with scripting but I’ve not seen an example of that yet.

Thanks, that was the tip I needed.

I was thinking of any plugin where I might want the same meter to apply to different signalsbased on radio buttons to choose. The tip from JonFair showed at least one way and it works as I wanted. There may be other ways but it works well now, Thanks