Best practices for running backing tracks and MIDI on medleys?

Hello, I’m currently using the Audio File Player for the audio backing tracks, and EZPlayer for MIDI, which basically drives my harmonizer plugin. It works fine, but now I’m trying to find away to put some medleys together. Has anyone dealt with medleys where 2-3 songs with different tempos need to be transitioned seamlessly? If the songs are different rackspaces, going to the next song in the medley basically works, but there’s a load latency so I can’t do it right on the beat (instantaneously). If I stitch the backing tracks together in a single rackspace, then tempo changes are not tracked, because EZPlayer syncs to the global clock in GP, so it never sees tempo changes.

How many backing tracks are you using in 1 rackspace?

Here is an example gig with 1 rackspace and 4 variations and 1 audio player with 4 lanes.
Each variation plays its own lane and in scripting the BPM is set to match the tempo of the playing lane.
Maybe that helps.

Lanes.gig (9.2 KB)

Here another gig which uses the Song Mode.
The advantage is that no scripting is required at all!

LanesSong.gig (10.2 KB)

Here another gig.
When switching a variation the audio player is reset to start from beginning - with use of a very small script.

LanesSongInit.gig (11.4 KB)

Thank you for all the examples! This is going to do the trick, I believe!

Feel free to ask when you need support