1 widget button for 3 arp ons

Gp doesn’t allow more than one function with a button widget, trying to turn 3 Arps off with one button widget , impossible ?

This is done with Widget Groups. Please see the User Manual for more info and a tutorial

but u still have to assign a widget per arp on/off, ( 3) then a master widget to control the group?, if true getting too many widgets

You don’t need a master widget. Changing any button in the group will change the others. Or use a master widget and put the other ones in a separate panel so that they’re not in your way

I’ll sometimes resize a widget to be very small, and then hide it behind another widget. That way it looks like my pedal is only controlling one widget, but it’s really controlling two. Hiding the small one(s) behind a bigger one keeps my panel(s) from getting too cluttered.
1 physical control (pedal, button, etc.) can control MANY different widgets simultaneously, and each widget then can be assigned to any VST parameter.
ONE pedal ===> MANY widgets ===> ONE parameter (EACH widget).

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If you group them, if not then 1 knob for instance on nanokontrol can only be mapped once

You can have MANY widgets set up to respond to 1 certain knob on your Nanokontrol.
Give that Nanokontrol knob a “name” in the Rig Manager, such as “Knob-1”, then you can use the triangle shaped pull-down list of named controls (next to the “learn” button), in EDIT MODE, to select “Knob-1”, for as many widgets as you like. Each widget then, can be assigned to a different VST parameter. The end result is that you’ll have ONE Nanokontrol knob (Knob-1), mapped to MANY VST parameters.
Nanokontrol knob named “Knob-1” ==> Blue knob widget ==> Cutoff
Nanokontrol knob named “Knob-1” ==> Red knob widget ==> Resonance
Nanokontrol knob named “Knob-1” ==> Grey knob widget ==> EG Intensity

You map your nanocontrol to one widget and then you group those widgets so that other widgets, each associated with their own plugin parameters, individually scaled if desired, will move together.

Thanx, that’s easier than groups, one hardware knob for 2 arp on off

Yeah, I haven’t used the “group” feature yet, because my needs so far have been quite simple, like just turning two things on at the same time, or turning something off while turning something else on. If I needed to do anything sophisticated that might require scaling, then I’m sure I’d check into the Widget Groups feature.

The behavior is not quite the same.
You end up with the same number of widgets either way but you do t have synchronized behavior .

For example, with the group mechanism, you can move any widget and they will all change. If you map them all to the same hardware control, then if you move one widget, the others won’t move.

That may or may not be what is wanted

Gp is fluid, what u need at a given moment and best practices hopefully merge, …, I was going to add Spire synth and nexus, any problems with those?

No :slight_smile: Running perfectly here.